After the grand symphony at the previous edition of the festival, in this concert we hear the only chamber music work by Anton Bruckner, his string quintet. As with his symphonies, it is a work of grand proportions, with meandering harmonies, huge arches and playful, pronounced rhythms forming the arc of the piece.
Fauré’s first violin sonata is considered one of his first true masterpieces. In the words of his friend Saint-Saëns, “This sonata has everything that will seduce the connoisseur: new forms, refined modulations, unusual tonal colours, the use of the most unexpected rhythms. And above all there hovers a magic that envelops the work and leads ordinary listeners to accept the wildest daring as something utterly natural.”
Gabriël Fauré – Sonata for violin and piano in A major opus 13
Pablo Hernán Benedi (violin), Aleksandar Madzar (piano)
Anton Bruckner – String quintet in F major, WAB 112
Liza Ferschtman, Pablo Hernán Benedi (violin), Lily Francis, Florent Brémond (viola), Amy Norrington (cello)