The Festival bar will welcome you before and after each concert / masterclass and during breaks.

Tickets for the festival bar can be bought before the concert at the ticket office.

The Festival Resto will delight your taste buds with its pies, waffles, soups, quiches, hot and cold dishes …..

On the menu

Friday 24 May : (sur réservation uniquement) : Verre d’approche, Waterzooi de poisson de la mer du Nord, festival de dessert. 

Saturday 25 May :
Midi: fricassée de volaille et champignons
Soir: Navarin d’agneau et ses petits légumes

Sunday 26 May :
Midi: Lasagne / Lasagne végétarienne

At any time there will be a choice of quiches, salads and pies.


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